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You need more information regarding the pastor’s salary than reach out to that team over at Winters and the king. If you check them out on mine there at church law that TV their phone number is mine on 8 or 9 4 6 8 6 8 and they have been helping organizations just like yours when it comes to navigating compensation and Pastor salary. So if you are wondering if you’re being paid enough or what the benefit should be and the team over at church law TV understands the challenges that are involved with setting your compensation for your church or your nonprofit staff. So if you want. Help when it comes to figuring out what’s going to be better option for a pastor salary then you want to reach out to the team over at Wenders and King you can visit them or mine at church law TV or you can call 9 1 8 4 9 4 6 8 6 8. They can help you with their. Personalized compensation evaluations studies. They can provide information to you to help you determine if you are giving a competitive compensation package for your key employees or for a pastor. They can also help to protect your organization from any penalties from the IRS and because they have worked with hundreds of thousands of pastors and key employees they have this rich body of information when it comes to compensation studies and they can give you confidential comparable data. And that’s not available to the public. But that’s just one of the things that you get when you deal with a team with more than 30 years of experience.
So if you need help regarding past or salary reach out to the team at ChurchLaw.TV. today. They would love to take care of you and your staff and provide counsel for all of your legal needs. So give their professional and experienced team a call today at 918-494-6868.