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Churches And Tax Compliance
This content was written for Winters and King
Today we are here to tell you all about Winters and King and how they can help your church or nonprofit deal with minister salary tax law. We’re going to present you with a few different scenarios that will make you want to call these attorneys right away. There are so many things that can happen with the IRS when you do not comply with tax law issues. You need to know what your options are when it comes to dealing with the IRS. As a church or nonprofit, you are an important part of the community and Winters and King realize this. That is why they make it their goal to help as many churches and nonprofits as they can. Give them a call and ask him at 918-494-6868.
Can you imagine what would happen if your church were suddenly bogged down with IRS regulation issues? The last thing you need is to have to worry about minister salary tax law issues dealt out by the IRS. Imagine if you are a new pastor of a startup church. You are working on getting a new building. You have almost all the details worked out and all of your congregation is very excited. On the day that you were supposed to move into the new building, you are confronted by IRS agents to tell you that you have not complied with all of the salary tax law issues. This will cause a headache and problems for you in the future. Don’t let the situation happen and call Winters and King.
Don’t be fooled by the IRS when they try to bog you down with minister salary tax law issues. If you are a minister and you have been complying with these laws for years, don’t be surprised if the laws change. Here’s another example. Say you are a minister who thought that your bookkeeper had taken care of all of these issues for you. But then the IRS calls and tell you that the regulations and codes have changed and you have not been complying with the salary tax laws for the last two years. This is a scenario that happens often. Because churches are often not aware that the IRS regulations change from year to year. That is what the IRS likes to do, is to trick you and make you pay more money than you need to. That’s why you should hire the attorneys at Winters and King.
Maybe you are a pastor of a mega church. You have a staff who has helped you deal with minister salary tax law issues for years. But that is also taking away time from your church and your community. Your team who has been working on your tax issues is doing it full-time and it is taking away from your congregation. Perhaps it is taking away from programs or other ministries that you could use those people to help start. Would it be great if you could hire attorneys to take care of all the paperwork for you? Wouldn’t it be awesome if those people in your church could be freed up to do what they do, which is helping start new ministries? When you call 918-494-6868 you will forever have your church life changed.
When you as a minister and your congregation are free to do what you do, the world will be a better place. The attorneys at Winters and King truly understand how much churches give back to the community. That is why for over 30 years they have been helping thousands of churches and nonprofits deal with tax compliance issues. It is their way of giving back to the community. Because when they help out churches, churches are able to help out more people. The benefits truly go both ways. That is why these attorneys love doing what they do best. Helping other people deal with tax compliance issues. Call them today at 918-494-6868.
Making Your Tax Issues Vanish
This content was written for Winters and King
Winters and King law firm is pulling a magic trick for nonprofits and churches. What I mean is that they are making all of these churches minister salary tax law problems disappear. But they are doing it the legal way! For over 30 years they have prided themselves on their honesty and integrity when dealing with churches and nonprofits. They not only help churches and nonprofits but large corporations and individuals as well. They are some of the most trusted attorneys in the world for their integrity and the work that they do. If you want the greatest attorneys that money can buy call 918-494-6868 today.
A church that we came across recently told us that they were afraid they would not be able to afford the great attorneys at Winters and King. We told them not to worry because Winters and King prided themselves on being affordable. They not only are the better attorneys in the world, they also do so on a budget. They know that churches and nonprofits need attorneys that they can afford. That is why they will work with them on price and always help them in any way they can. They are honest and they will always be open with them about everything. They will not try to cheat you out of money. After all, you are a church or nonprofit organization. The attorneys here value churches and nonprofit organizations just as much as you do. They know how much these organizations give back to the community.
If you have not talked to these attorneys today, you need to. They can help you resolve all of your minister salary tax law needs. If you have never even heard of this, maybe you should look into it. Although churches have an exempt status from the IRS, they still have to pay taxes on the minister’s salary. There are a lot of tax code regulations that change from year to year that you may not know about. If your church has had trouble dealing with these regulations in the past, you need to hire some of these attorneys. They are award-winning and they continue to be great for people all over America. They also help people around the world and here in Tulsa as well.
But don’t just take my word for it, you should look up on Google Winters and King. You can go to their website and read testimonials all about their great company. Their clients are always thrilled with the work that they do. Go ahead and talk to a local church or nonprofit and there is a good chance that they have worked with one of these attorneys. The reason these attorneys are so successful is because they are transparent with all of their clients. They are trained to treat all of the clients with an equal amount of respect, no matter how large or small. A trustworthy attorney is something that is hard to find in today’s day and age. They are built on success and they have a history of dealing with clients with respect and integrity.
So the next time your church is dealing with minister salary tax law issues and the IRS is breathing down your neck, call Winters and King. They know about all of the tax compliance issues that nonprofits and churches face on a year-to-year basis. It’s not just about getting the tax exempt status, it’s about keeping it in maintaining it. It is a difficult journey to take on your own or with a subpar attorney. That is why you need the likes of Michael King and Thomas Winters to help you out. Their team of attorneys is ready and willing to take your phone call. You should start giving them a call right now at 918-494-6868 and start getting rid of your tax problems.