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Tulsa, Oklahoma 74137
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Literary / Film

Principled Publishing and Agent Services

Representing Authors and Film Makers Across the United States

Whether you are an established writer or a first-time author, maneuvering through the maze of the publishing industry can be a challenging task. Winters & King, Inc. has helped acclaimed authors and film makers obtain lucrative publishing deals. Our legal experience and knowledge of the publishing industry has allowed us to build an impressive record of success that includes over 35 books on the New York Times Best Seller list and successful movies such as A Christmas Candle, Home Run, and One Night with the King.

Home RunThe Christmas Candle

One Night with the King








Guidance through the entire publishing process

Negotiating publishing contracts can be a complex process involving royalties, advances, marketing and editing.  Even the most experienced writers can benefit greatly by having someone with intimate knowledge of the book world help them through the process.

Winters & King, Inc. has represented numerous acclaimed authors and brokered book deals with major publishers, including:

  • Baker Books
  • Bethany House Publishers
  • HarperCollins
  • Penguin Putnam
  • Random House
  • Simon & Schuster
  • Thomas Nelson
  • Tyndale
  • Zondervan
  • FaithWords

Many times a major publisher is not the best option for an author.  To address these situations we have developed our own separate publishing company Winters Publishing Group (WPG).  WPG assists with all aspects of a new book including editing, artwork, layout and advertising.  The thing that sets WPG apart is its access to nationwide distribution.  WPG has been able to leverage its relationships from 30 years in the publishing industry to bring big time distribution to lesser known authors.  WPG also has famous authors opting to go through WPG rather than traditional publishing houses because of the higher royalty rates WPG is able to pay without sacrificing distribution.

Our firm understands that negotiating with publishers can seem like a never-ending process and quickly leave you feeling intimidated and confused. We are dedicated to leveling the playing field for our clients. We want to help tell your story on your own terms and ensure that you receive the right benefits for your hard work.

If you have a story to tell or a message to spread, we would be honored to help you do it.  Our connections and experience in the publishing industry are a valuable asset to any author and can help you get the publishing deal you deserve.

In the News

  •  Click HERE to read an article on Tom Winter’s success as a publishing agent

 Call us today for credible literary representation

We are honored to have assisted numerous successful authors tell their story and always look forward to helping new authors get their messages out to the world. You can depend on our values, experience and professionalism to guide you through the publishing process. Call us today at 918.494.6868 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.


Just a Few of our Best Sellers Include:

Craig GroeschelFight

Author of FightChristian Atheist, New York Times Best Seller and Senior Pastor of





Joyce MeyerJoyce

Author of The Penny, Approval Addiction, Look Great, Feel Great, The Confident Woman, The Power of Simple Prayer, I Dare You,  Never Give Up, Battlefield of the Mind, Eat the Cookie…Buy the Shoes (New York Times USA Today Publishers Weekly), Living Beyond Your Feelings, Change Your Words, Change Your Life (#6, #5 , and #4 on New York Times Best Seller List) , Do Yourself a Favor Forgive (#12, #8, and #9 on New York Times Best Seller List), God is Not Mad at You (#4 and #14 on New York Times Best Seller List)



T.D. JakesHe-Motions1

Pastor and Author of  Mama Made the Difference , HeMotions, Woman, Thou Art Loosed (officially sold more than 1.5 million copies), God’s Leading Lady (# On the Hardcover Advice List), Maximize the Moment (Reach # 3 on the New York Times Business Best Sellers List) and New York Times Best Seller





Joel OsteenOsteen

Author of Your Best Life Now – Paperback, Daily Readings from Your Best Life Now – Hardcover (#5 on New York Times Best Seller List) and New York Times Best Seller






Kerry and Chris Shookone month

Author of One Month to Live and New York Times Best Seller






James Robison and Jay Richardsbook

Authors of Indivisible – Combined Print & E-Book Nonfiction (#18 on New York Times Best Seller List), Indivisible – Hardcover Nonfiction (#5 on New York Times Best Seller List, #2 on Wallstreet Journal, #15 on Wallstreet Journal, #7 Publishers Weekly, #9 Publishers Weekly, #33 on USA Today, #137 on USA Today, #8 LA Times), Indivisible – Combined Hardcover & Paperback Nonfiction



Gloria CopelandGC

Author of God’s Master Plan for Your Life’ (#11 on Best Seller List)





Ed Young


Author of Sexperiment – Hardcover Advice & Misc (#3 on New York Times Best Seller List, #15 on LA Times and #9 on Publishers Weekly)






Mike Evanstulsa-attorneys

Author of  The American Prophesies, The Final Move Beyond Iraq (#18 on Best Seller List), Beyond Iraq






Ryan and Josh Shookfirsthand

Author of Firsthand (#4 and #7 on New York Times Best Seller List)






Joseph H. Hilleysarah

Author of  Sarah Palin: A New Kind of Leader and New York Time Best Seller





Tammy Faye Messnersurvive

Author of I Will Survive…and You Will Too! and New York Times Best Seller






Irene Spencerdreams

Author of Shattered Dreams and New York Times Best Seller






Steven Furtickgreater

Author of GreaterSun Stand Still and New York Times Best Seller






Chris Hodgesair

Author of Breath of Fresh Air and New York Times Best Seller

Portions of this website may contain attorney advertising under the rules of some states. The information in this website is provided for general informational purposes only, and does not constitute legal advice. No information contained in this website should be construed as legal advice from Winters & King, Inc. or the individual author, nor is it intended to be a substitute for legal counsel on any subject matter. No reader of this website should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any information included in, or accessible through, this website without seeking the appropriate legal or other professional advice on the particular facts and circumstances at issue from a lawyer licensed in the recipient’s state, country or other appropriate licensing jurisdiction. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements or this website. The opinions expressed at or through this website are the opinions of the individual author and may not reflect the opinions of the firm or any individual attorney. Nothing on this site predicts or guarantees future results. Testimonials found on this website are actual client reviews of Winters & King, Inc. Success of any legal matter depends on unique circumstances of each case, and Winters & King, Inc. cannot guarantee particular results for future clients based on successes achieved in past legal matters.